Tips for Living with White Slipcovers

I get questions all the time about how I keep my white furniture and slipcovers clean…and yes, I have a husband, 3 kids, a dog and lots of guests and friends- so here are a few of my favorite tips for living with white slipcovers:
1. Washable Throw Blankets and Towels– My number one tip for living with white slipcovers is to use old white towels and throw blankets to help protect your covers from stains- especially in “high-risk areas”.
It is amazing how much throw blankets have helped keep my slipcovers clean! I like to use large, inexpensive throw blankets for my sofas, and I always have several handy. Not only are they great for keeping cozy while watching tv, but I can spread them out over the seat cushions if someone has dirty feet or just to protect the sofa from everyday wear and tear.
2. Wash your slipcovers! The best way to keep you white slipcovers looking great is to WASH them! I do this 2-3 times a year, usually the seat covers need it the most. I like to use almost pure white covers so I can bleach them…they always smell so fresh and clean when they come out. (Another tip is to be sure the fabric you use for your covers is “pre-washed and pre-shrunk” so you don’t have shrinkage AFTER they are made.)
I have also been known to “spot-clean” my slipcovers with a Chlorox beach pen and a wet washcloth, its amazing what will clean up with a little chlorox and some elbow grease!
3. Set a few “house rules”– We have three simple “house rules” that keep my white slipcovers looking great– First, shoes come off at the front door and go in our shoe basket. Second- no food or drink outside the kitchen (exceptions are water and popcorn- these are pretty harmless) and Third- if you make a mess, you clean it up yourself! These rules have worked pretty well for us, in fact, most of the spills on my sofa slipcovers were made by adults- coffee and wine, etc… Go figure!
4. Learn to live with imperfections.- This tip is my ALL-TIME FAVORITE…I have overcome the fact that my house will be perfect, sure- I tidy up and put my best foot forward for blog photos, and when we have company, but when it comes to daily life and everyday living- it’s OK if things are less than perfect. Each and every white slipcover in my home has a stain or a tear or something wrong with it, and that’s ok. Each and every table, lamp, or accessory in my home has a scratch or chip on it. And that’s ok. (I am probably the only one who notices all these imperfections anyway!)
I hope this helps answer some of your questions about living with white slipcovers and furniture.