Tips for a Fabulous and Functional Entry

You never get a second chance to make a first impression, with that in mind, what kind of impression does your entry make about you and your home?
Here are a few tips to help you make your entry both fabulous and functional:
Whatever size entry you may have, hopefully, you have room for some sort of storage- whether it be a cabinet, console table, wall shelf or basket. Use this piece to corral all your odds and ends such as car keys, dog leashes, mail, etc… and keep this space looking neat.
If at all possible, try to add a lamp of some kind to your entry, and put it on a timer- this will give your home a warm, welcoming ambiance- more so than an overhead light.
Besides providing a place to check your appearance before leaving your home…a mirror will add light and a little sparkle to your entry.
Fresh flowers or plant-
There is nothing that will add beauty and life to a room quite like fresh flowers or a plant…why not do the same for your entry?
When decorating your entry, don’t forget the floor- a pretty rug will add texture, color and interest to this space while helping to keep your floors clean.
Hoping these tips help you create a beautiful, welcoming entry that is both fabulous AND functional!