No-Cost Decorating: Backward Books!

Lately, I have been seeing a trend in decor- backward books! It sounds a little crazy, but if you are trying to simplify a room, turning all your books around with the spines facing inwards and pages facing outwards will bring an instant sense of “visual calm” to a room! I decided to give it a try in my study, here are the bookshelves before:
I kind of like the new look, something different- and I love to simplify my decor… here are a few more photos:
if these were books that I read often or needed for reference, this idea would probably not work…since you can’t read the titles (LOL) but these books are really more decorative so in this space, it is not an issue. This little update took all of 3 minutes and cost me nothing, and it has a real “designer” look, if you like the look, why not give it a try at your house…
For more tips on styling bookshelves, click HERE.
And let me know what YOU think about the “backward books” trend- thumbs up or thumbs down??