How I Speed Clean My House in 30 Minutes

We all like a clean house, I mean, is there seriously anyone who would rather live in a dirty messy house?
I have found over the years that a beautiful home is not just nicely decorated- your home looks better and feels better when it is maintained on a regular basis, keeping it clean and clutter-free to really enjoy it!
Truth be told, I hate to clean and would rather do just about anything other than clean my house, but with three kids, a husband and a big dog sometimes it’s just necessary!
A while back I developed a little “speed-cleaning” method to help keep the cottage more clean and now, at least once a week, (sometimes more if we are having company) I use this quick and easy speed-clean method to clean the house…if I do it right with no interruptions (and that rarely happens) I can clean the entire downstairs in about 30 minutes, here’s what I do:
- First, I make a quick run through the house and pick up all the random clutter- I like to use a large tote bag for this job. Anything that needs to go upstairs to one of my kids rooms stays in the bag until someone goes upstairs, everything else gets put back in its home (or in the laundry room, which serves as my “catch all” spot).
- Next, I grab a Swiffer duster, a can of Multi-Surface Pledge and a rag- then I go through the house dusting or wiping all surfaces- including bathrooms and kitchens. (Multi-Surface Pledge is a great product since it is safe for most counters, wood, glass, stainless steel and mirrors…). I work from top to bottom and from the left to the right cleaning every surface I can!
- Then, I get a vacuum (I like my small cordless Shark Navigator) and quickly vacuum the floors working to get up dirt, pet hair, crumbs, etc…
- Finally, I grab a damp mop or wet Swiffer and mop the floors to get off tougher spills and spots.
That’s it! The key is to work quickly, left to right and high to low. I also find listening to fun music or headphones helps pass the time. It also helps to have all your supplies in one place, l keep most of these supplies our laundry room in a small tote.
Note: This strategy is not to be used as your ONLY cleaning- you will still need to deep-clean and disinfect (especially in bathrooms and kitchens) but this quick clean works nicely when guests are coming or you just want things to feel clean and fresh!
I would love to hear your tips and ideas on how you keep your house clean… so be sure to leave a comment!