2 Year Adoption Anniversary and Victor Update

For my regular readers, I wanted to post a little update on Victor. Today we celebrate 2 years with him as our official adopted son. Sometimes I still can’t believe we actually adopted a little boy from the foster care system, but EVERYDAY with him has been a blessing beyond words.
Victor has grown in so many ways since the day he came to live with us, physically he is taller, not as skinny and much stronger. He is six years old now and in first grade this year, and has grown so much academically. After very little preschool and struggling a bit in Kindergarten and the first semester of first grade, he has worked very hard and is now “on level” in every way…he is reading and writing well and actually enjoys math (a sure sign that he must have been adopted, since none of my natural born children nor myself like math!!)
Besides doing well in his work, Vic is very well behaved at school (for an energetic 6 year old boy) and was even honored with the “Student of the Month Award” recently. You should have seen the joy in his eyes the morning of the ceremony, he was so proud of himself and so were we!!
Victor has also grown socially and amassed a great group of buddies at school and in our neighborhood- his easy-going, fun-loving personality makes him a pleasure to be around and people are naturally attracted to him.
Some clear passions have emerged over the past two years: Victor has fallen in love with fishing- thanks to my dear hubby- and become quite an accomplished fisherman for his age (even winning a few awards in a couple small community tournaments). I know fishing and a love of the outdoors will be a lifelong passion for him and I’m so grateful for all the special “Father-Son” time that they share pursuing this hobby. For a kid with no confirmed biological father, he has taken to his adoptive father in the most wonderful way!
Victor also has a passion for sports, in particular anything that involves running fast and a ball. Since living with us, he has played basketball, football, soccer and tennis. After having two girls who played sports for “fun and fitness” it’s been interesting to have a boy who plays sports “to WIN”. Victor is naturally competitive and loves nothing more than a good victory- (he was appropriately named).
Victor is very fast, and loves to run every chance he gets. Most days, he takes one step off the school bus then breaks into a full speed sprint to my waiting spot. He runs at school, around the neighborhood, on the playing field, at church, in the grocery store, in crowded parking lots- I’m constantly telling him- “slow down”, “be careful”, “watch out for cars”. Sometimes I feel like we adopted Forest Gump because he runs EVERYWHERE and LOVES it!! He even loves to race Beau our yellow lab, but has yet to beat his four legged brother. Regardless of what Victor does in life, I think he will always enjoy running and who knows where his fast feet might take him someday.
Our time with Victor has been such an incredible blessing but it has not been without its struggles as well. One day I walked in while he was watching the movie “Finding Dory” and saw that he was crying. When I asked him what was wrong, he said that he didn’t like that movie. I asked why and he said that Dory lost her family and it made him sad. He went on to say that he had already lost 2 families (his biological and foster families) and that he didn’t want to lose us. I told him how sorry I was that had happened to him, and it was ok to feel sad about that, and how for better or worse, we were his “forever family” and we weren’t going anywhere. We hugged and cuddled and both had a good cry that day.
Victor doesn’t talk much about his biological or foster families, but that conversation told me that he did have some memory of his turbulent early years and that it would always be a part of his story.
Our love for Victor has grown so much over the years and our two daughters have come to love and accept him as part of the family and are sensitive to his past. Adopting Victor has opened their eyes to others less fortunate than themselves and shown them that you CAN make a difference in other peoples lives. Our girls had big hearts before we adopted Victor and now they can feel good that they are helping to make this world a better place, at least for one child.
Last week, Victor’s class had an Easter themed assignment to write why they are “such a lucky bunny”, and though Victor was brief in his essay- his words touched my heart:

We are so happy to have Victor as a member of our family, and though we are far from perfect and have our own unique struggles, we have so much love for each other. I thank God everyday that he chose us to take that step of faith and adopt Victor, thank you for your prayers and support over the years it has meant more to me than you know!

Two verses come to mind regarding Victor’s adoption:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,
declares the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:8-9
Just when you think you have your life all planned out, be open to all that God has for you- his plans are SO much better than our plans!!
“Shouts of joy and VICTORY resound in the tents of His people: The Lords right hand has done mighty things!”
Psalm 118:15 NIV
We pray everyday for “Victory for Victor”, and thank God for all He has done, only a divine, mighty God could have imagined this.
Thanks for joining me today! If you would like to read more about Victor and our adoption story click HERE